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Customers Are Part of the Laboratory Team at GenSol

By June 20, 2023August 6th, 2024No Comments

When someone thinks about the process of genetic testing, the typical image that comes to mind is a laboratory filled with machines and scientists performing the work. Although this is an accurate picture of what happens when a swab reaches the GenSol laboratory for testing, the process starts as soon as the customer is ready to take their sample. How a customer takes the sample is the most critical part of the process. Without a good sample, the rest of the testing process doesn’t matter. So, it has become evident over the years that customers are an important part of our laboratory team. Here are some tips and recommendations for each step of our swabbing process to make sure you’re providing the best sample possible:

Step 1: Registration

Providing the correct swab registration information in your online customer account is one of the two most important parts of the swabbing process. The information you provide is connected through the sample ID number to the actual swab sample you end up taking from your pet. So, taking your time to verify you are providing the correct information for each swab is critical to avoid unexpected results.

Step 2: Taking the sample

The second most important part of the swabbing process is taking the sample from the correct dog. Any mix-up at this step will lead to incorrect results reported since the dog that was sampled does not match the information provided. We provide a sample collection sheet that is available after you have registered to help stay organized when swabbing multiple dogs. The other important thing to note when you’re taking your sample is that we want to collect cheek cells that have the most DNA content. Although saliva, teeth, gums, etc. are all sources of DNA, they don’t have very much and may not provide an acceptable result.

Step 3: Sealing the sample

After you collect your sample, it is very important to seal the swab sleeve with the correct sample ID number that matches the information provided during registration. Similar to taking the sample from the incorrect dog, if the swab is not sealed with the sample ID number that matches the information provided during registration, then the result will be incorrect.

Step 4: Shipping

Assuming that the sample has been taken as described, then shipping is the easiest part of the process. DNA is very stable assuming it stays dry. We have samples that are shipped from all over the world and can take quite a bit of time to arrive. The good news is that assuming the previous steps are done correctly, your sample is safe no matter how long it takes to get back to our laboratory.

We appreciate the role our customers play as part of the process and we are always looking for your feedback on any ways we can improve it. As a customer, you are part of our team and have one of the most important roles in the process. We do have an advanced process in our laboratory for dog DNA testing but everything starts with a good sample that you provide. So, let us know if we can do anything else to support you in your part of the process, and happy swabbing.